
Hand-Picked Resources

For anybody thinking of, or actively motivated to quit vaping, here is a collection of some of the most useful resources we have picked that you may find helpful. Hopefully, these will help increase your chances of succeeding in your journey to a healthy, happy, vape-free life. With the right education and support, you’ve got this!

Vaping – The Facts

Information behind e-cigarettes and nicotine, including current health data from reputable sources – no scaremongering will be happening on this site! We believe in providing information from the most credible, trusted and up-to-date sources which will allow YOU to make an informed decision as to whether you wish to quit or not – and if you do, we are here to support you all the way.

Tips on How to Quit

A number of informative articles from further credible websites to help guide you to success. See our Blog for much much more!

A group of question marks sitting next to each other

Allen Carr – Easyway

A National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommended method that is very highly rated amongst people who have quit vaping.

The link below takes you to some top tips from the world-famous Easyway method on how to quit vaping, as well as links to further advice and resources.

We have no direct involvement with Allen Carr’s Easy Way method, but fully support the method for individuals highly motivated to quitting vaping.

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)

Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is a medically approved treatment that helps people quit vaping, smoking or chewing tobacco by providing nicotine without the harmful chemicals in vapes or cigarettes. NRTs are available in many forms, including patches, gum, lozenges, inhalers and sprays.

However, the only licensed NRT for specific vaping substitute help with cravings and withdrawals from vaping is Nicorette Mist.

*We have no affiliate links with Nicorette.

Detailed Information on Vaping at Organisational Level

An in-depth look at alarming vaping statistics from the leading UK and USA non-profit organisations ASH and Truth Inititative.

New Mobile App

We are in the early stages of creating a NEW cross-platform quit vaping app! Designed by our Founder Marc, a Doctor highly knowledgeable about vaping, Health Coach, and probably most importantly an ex-vaper himself. 

We have input from therapists, leading app industry experts and feedback from current vapers, and are pushing to get this app to achieve the highest vaping cessation rates possible – and are confident we can achieve this, hopefully with your help too!

Want Even More Resources?

Sign up to receive some FREE resources including journals, meditation, affirmation cards, plus more that will provide you with some useful coping strategies during your quitting journey!
